HomeUSAVirginiaCentral & Southern VA RegionCharlottesville vicinityBlue Ridge Parkway12.2 BoulderHumdingerV9RoadkillV3Edit modeLargemouth BassV6boulderingFA Erich Purpur, November 2020CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStarts just right of Razzle Dazzle matched on edge which is better for left hand. Follow the seam out right and jump to the arete using a good left hand hold. Swing feet over and then negotiate a mantle onto the lower tier of the top of the boulder. I was not sure of the grade so please add your own suggestion.Not sure of the grade, others will have to weigh in. I think it is a nice addition to the boulder as it is relatively safe yet still tops out. It is not such an obvious line but turned out to be fun.I was not sure if this crosses the threshold of being too close to the road. In my opinion no as the climber, pads, and spotters would not be in the road. But use good judgement and maybe wait until no cars are coming before climbing? Passing rangers did not stop me while climbing this. The name is for the look that passing motorists give when gawking at climbers on the boulder.Beta video: youtu.be/wmqR-xK4Hz8Routes in 12.2 Boulder1Up In SmokeV7Bouldering2Eye of the Whistle PigV7-8Bouldering3True LoveV7-8Bouldering4What’s Love Got To Do With It (One Matt Wonder)V6Bouldering5Three Pete WonderV9Bouldering6What Could Have BeenV7Bouldering7BetamaxV7-8Bouldering8BlueRidge Beauty (BRB) StandV9Bouldering9BlueRidge Beauty (BRB) SitV10Bouldering10Midnight Train To GeorgiaV7Bouldering11Bring Your Own OxygenV8Bouldering12Razzle DazzleV7-8Bouldering13HumdingerV9Bouldering14Largemouth BassV6Bouldering 15RoadkillV3Bouldering