HomeUSAVirginiaSouthwest Virginia (Appalachia)High Knob LandformHKL EastLabyrinthDevil's BoulderDevils SlabV2Edit modeDevils AreteV2boulderingFA Brian JonesCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionWhen looking at the main face, this follows the short arete on the left-most side of the boulder.Stand start very low on good holds and follow the arete to the small flat jug, then the wonderful top out hold higher up.LocationLeft arete of Devils BoulderProtectionpadsRoutes in Devil's Boulder1Devil Makes ThreeV0-1Bouldering2Deviled EggsV1Bouldering3Satanic PanicV7Bouldering4Devils CornerV6Bouldering5Devils SlabV2Bouldering6Devils AreteV2Bouldering