HomeUSAMinnesotaDuluth Area (Rock and Ice)Duluth Rock ClimbsDuluth BoulderingLisa's Slabshobo rideV3Edit modePorcelain GodsV1boulderingFA ???CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart left up jugs and good crimp. Move right at 2nd horizontal crack and using crimp work over to the vertical crack and follow it up to decent top out. The way the slab bulbs outward makes it a bit awkward but fun.LocationFar right of Lisa's Slabs. Look for the Porcelain representation of Baby Jesus at start.ProtectionPad and spotters would be niceRoutes in Lisa's Slabs1Porcelain GodsV1Bouldering 2hobo rideV3Bouldering3squat ThrustV4Bouldering4pancakeV1Bouldering