HomeUSACaliforniaLake TahoeTruckee River CanyonBig ChiefMini ButtressEat The Worm5.11bBird Of Prey5.10c/dEdit modeEarly Bird5.12trFA Dave Hatchett and Jeff McKitterickCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSmall sharp edges (if you can find them)LocationBetween Eat The Worm and Bird of PreyProtectionTop rope only. Use the anchors to Eat The Worm and Bird of PreyRoutes in Mini Buttress1Eat The Worm5.11bSport2Early Bird5.12Tr 3Bird Of Prey5.10c/dSport4Wampum5.8Sport5Route Stealers From Hell5.10aSport6Force Feed5.11aSport7Too Light To Wait5.10bSport8Mud Falcon5.7Sport9[Redacted]5.9Sport10Dirty Bird5.10aSport11Bird Is The Word5.6Sport12This Toilet Earth5.9Sport