HomeUSAVirginiaCentral & Southern VA RegionCharlottesville vicinityBlue Ridge ParkwayRaven's RoostRaven's Roost CliffTwisted Ankle5.9Kermit's Revenge5.5Edit modeBlack Snake5.7tradtrFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionfollow Kermit's Revenge to orange block halfway up climb - late day shadows create black snake climbing down face -follow curve of snake out and to left and up face ....better hope for some shadows, eh?Protectiontrad top ropeRoutes in Raven's Roost Cliff1Zig Zag Notch5.5Trad · Tr2Unnatural Ice5.4Trad · Tr3Twisted Ankle5.9Tr4Black Snake5.7Trad · Tr 5Kermit's Revenge5.5Trad · Tr6Cups5.6Trad · Tr7Wise Crack5.8Trad · Tr8Ejector Seat5.9+Tr9White Punks On Dope5.11+Tr10Black Streak5.8Tr11Road Warrior5.6Tr12Total Control5.13Tr