HomeUSACaliforniaJoshua Tree National Park*Joshua Tree Bouldering*Queen Valley Area BoulderingGeology Tour Road BoulderingWestern BeltCreosote WallMr. CreosoteV-easyEdit modeWafer Thin MintV-easyboulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionGrab a high "wafer thin" edge and work up the flakey face past a good horizontal. A little chossy but it will clean up.This problem isn't listed in the Joshua Tree Bouldering Guide but is an obvious line with some good moves that's worth a go when in the area.LocationRight side of the wall and just left of a small rock at the base.ProtectionPadRoutes in Creosote Wall1Mr. CreosoteV-easyBouldering2Wafer Thin MintV-easyBouldering