HomeUSAPennsylvaniaSouthwestern HighlandsBreakneckMain Wall(8) Diesel5.12b(9) Eclipse5.6Edit modeGas on the Fire5.12asportFA Mike SteighnerCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionIn between Diesel and Eclipse; start off on easy terrain reaching a crux at the second bolt. Definitely a bit of a squeeze job, but all the holds you use are independent of Diesel and straying too far right towards the crack risks a weird fall. A good addition to Breakneck; it's worth noting that the little rusty nubs near the anchors were the original anchors placed by Dave Lynn and friends all the way back in the early 2000s.LocationRight of Diesel, left of EclipseProtection3 bolts, anchorsRoutes in Main Wall1(1) Old School5.9Trad · Tr · Sport2(2) Mosquito5.10bTr · Sport3(3) Mosquito Variation5.8Tr · Sport450/505.10bTr · Sport5(4) New School5.10cTr · Sport6(5) Bowling Ball5.11aTr · Sport7(6) Transfusion5.11bTr · Sport8(7) Burning Balls5.11bTr · Sport9(8) Diesel5.12bTr · Sport10Gas on the Fire5.12aSport 11(9) Eclipse5.6Tr · Sport12Crimp Fest5.11cSport13(10) Grab Your Balls5.9Tr · Sport14Revisited5.10aSport15Do You Like Apples5.12aSport