HomeUSAArizonaSouthern ArizonaLa Milagrosa CanyonMain WallUnknown (Right of Triple Play)5.10bUnknown (Right of Four Play)5.9Edit modeFour Play5.11bsportFA Mike Arqueso, Ron Farrell, Tony Lusk, Mike Witt (1990)CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionRelative low angle (not slabby) and very thin holds on a long and fairly sustained route. Great protection and quality rock make this a route to do.Locationlong face to the right of Send Me, the obvious bolted .12a roofProtectionquickdrawsRoutes in Main Wall1Unknown (Left of I Been Robbed)5.10+Sport2I Been Robbed5.11b/cSport3Stealin5.10dSport4Valentine Corner5.7+Trad5Valentine Arete5.9Sport6Send It5.12aSport7Triple Play5.9Trad8Unknown (Right of Triple Play)5.10bSport9Four Play5.11bSport 10Unknown (Right of Four Play)5.9Trad11Last Lonely Eagle5.10cSport12Where the Buffalo Roam5.10dSport13Did You See That?5.10Trad14Welcome to Milagrosa5.10bSport15Three Sheets To The Wind5.11cSport16The Fish5.12bSport17The Wizard5.12aSport18Ecstatic Electricity5.12a/bSport19Community Service5.10aSport20Unnamed Mixed Route5.10a/bTrad21Litheon Flux5.11bSport22Short Vacation5.10aSport23Bad Santa5.10b/cSport24Unknown 5.65.6Trad25Lugee Head5.11Sport26Massive Headwound Harry5.10dSport27Triple Header5.11aSport28Common Wealth5.6Sport29Let Freedom Ping5.8Sport30For Themasses5.7Trad31For the People5.8+Sport