HomeUSASouth DakotaNeedles Of Rushmore, TheIron MountainTurtle DomeSlappin Ze Bass5.13-Edge of Da-Light5.10+5.9-tradFA Brent Kertzman & Marvin Zaske, 1983CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Turtle Dome1Pump and Circumstance5.10Trad2Finding My Religion5.11-Trad3Losing My Religion5.10aTrad · Sport4Balding Bob Ain't So Bold5.12aSport5Slappin Ze Bass5.13-Sport6Juniper Tree5.9-Trad 7Edge of Da-Light5.10+Trad · Sport8Road to Nowhere5.11aTrad9In Search of the Holy Rail5.11dSport10Big Tyme Arete5.12+Sport11The Roof5.9+Trad