HomeUSACaliforniaWestern SierraTollhouse RockMain WallDon't Laugh5.9Mi Vida Loca5.10cEdit modeNew Breed5.9tradFA 1986, Andrews Stevens, Robert NewellCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStarts up slab to left of Mi Vida Loca's corner system. Another route starts here too (Don't Laugh 5.9), which splits left; this one splits right. I climbed the second pitch only after climbing Mi Vida Loca, but I could see pitch 1 was straight forward slab with good bolts. P2 goes straight up to a corner that takes some pro and then a bolt is just above the corner (hard to see it). Follow a few more bolts to the next anchor.LocationStart from top of pitch 1 of Upper Traverse, following the bolt line just left of Mi Vida Loca (1-foot-tall right-facing corner).Protectionpro to 1"Routes in Main Wall1Wandering Taoist5.9Trad · Sport2Falling Star5.9Trad3Nuts and Bolts5.7Trad4Old Fart's Edge5.7Trad5Silly Wizard5.8Trad6Shining Path5.10bTrad · Sport7Elephant Walk5.7Trad8Beginner's Delight5.8Trad · Sport9Beginner's Right5.7Trad10True Grip5.10aTrad11Tollhouse Traverse5.5Trad12Marvin's Mantle5.9Trad13Hang 'Em High5.8Trad14The Direct5.8Trad15Balls5.9Trad · Sport16Headline5.10aSport17The Headwall5.9Trad18Think Nothing Of It5.10bTrad19At Your Leisure5.10bSport20Munge Master5.8Trad · Sport21Sunset Strip5.9Sport22Wish Sandwich5.8Trad23Free and Easy5.7Trad24Upper Traverse5.6Trad25Don't Laugh5.9Sport26New Breed5.9Trad 27Mi Vida Loca5.10cTrad28Desperado5.9Trad29White Hawk5.11cTrad