HomeUSAVirginiaSouthwest Virginia (Appalachia)High Knob LandformHKL EastLabyrinthGospel BoulderTroubles (Left)V3-4Cotton Patch Gospel (direct)V3-4Edit modeGospel (Left)V5-6boulderingFA Aaron ParlierCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSit start to the very far right of the face on the low, pronounced base. At the corner of the base is a diagonal and thin sidepull. Sit start here and with a left hand on anything good.Off the start, power up to a slopey pinch out left. Hop into the lower undercling, and then make a hard crossover to the crimp seam in the same slopey feature.Link into (done with the troubles direct) to finish as per.LocationPachydermProtectionpadsRoutes in Gospel Boulder1Nothing But Time (Direct)V3Bouldering2Nothing But Time (Right)V3-4Bouldering3Done With The Troubles (direct)V3-4Bouldering4Troubles (Left)V3-4Bouldering5Gospel (Left)V5-6Bouldering 6Cotton Patch Gospel (direct)V3-4Bouldering