HomeUSAPennsylvaniaSoutheastern LowlandsEast Branch Brandywine CreekWhittaker Trail Head Memorial ParkClearcoat FaceClearcoat CutV4Trout ErectionV1+Edit modeClearcoat AreteV3boulderingFA Caelan SimsCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThe best climbing in the clearcoat area, but by far the worst landing. Start with hands in chunky opening on the left face. Swing/slap up to an edge around the right side of the face. Heel hook wide right to allow you to pinch the polished arete and then bump your right hand to a bad 2 finger uncut edge. Open those hips and get a high foot to stand up.LocationThe arete of clearcoat faceProtection2 pad minimum, spotterRoutes in Clearcoat Face1Clearcoat LeftV0-Bouldering2Clearcoat directV2Bouldering3Clearcoat CutV4Bouldering4Clearcoat AreteV3Bouldering 5Trout ErectionV1+Bouldering6Commitment IssuesV1-Bouldering