HomeUSAVermont1. Northern VermontSmugglers' NotchQuartz Crack FaceDiagonal: Left Finish5.8+Epicormic5.95.9+tradFA Tim Farr, Jess Simon, Sep. 4 2013 (Portions of this finish had been climbed before, including the final wide crack)CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Quartz Crack Face1Gatekeeper5.12b/cTrad2Quartz Crack5.9Trad3Quartz Crack Roof5.9Trad · Aid4Public Indecency5.12b/cTrad5The Diagonal5.8Trad6Diagonal: Left Finish5.8+Trad7The Diagonal: Right Finish5.9+Trad 8Epicormic5.9Trad9Flight of the Manatee5.10b/cSport10Pub Crawl5.6Trad11Peace and Plugging5.6Trad