HomeUSAVirginiaSouthwest Virginia (Appalachia)High Knob LandformHKL EastLabyrinthStewball BoulderStewballV2-3Edit modeGoulashV0-1boulderingFA Aaron ParlierCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionFantastic, easy-going bouldering. On the backside of the Stewball Boulder (facing High Water Boulder and corridor) standstart in the center of the face. Flow up easy vert-to-slabby terrain to the big horizontal ledge, then use the crack to follow up to the top.LocationBackside of Stewball facing the corridor with High Water.ProtectionpadsRoutes in Stewball Boulder1StewballV2-3Bouldering2GoulashV0-1Bouldering