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Peak Mountain 3

The Powers That Be

FA Peter Dodge
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The Powers That Be is a very unique climb that follows the prominent deep groove.

A perfect mixture of power and touchy-ness is needed for this very deceiving line. What looks to be a nice slabby climb with a very large feature is, instead, a tough route that is bound to be a great project for people.

A sit start on an obvious block below the groove brings you straight into the burliness of the groove. Several power moves requiring just enough technique lead you to the famous high step of the route. Keep your head on as the boulder slabs out. Holds are "on" around the groove, if you want to say. It makes it more pure. However, staying committed to just the groove would be much harder.


Front and center of The Short Block. Climbs up the obvious groove angling right. Walk off top out to the right of the boulder.


A couple of pads

Routes in The Short Block

  1. 1
    The Powers That Be
3000 km
2000 mi